Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Serial Killer Whales

An animal trainer at SeaWorld Orlando was killed this afternoon in front of horrified theme park visitors by an orca that reportedly was involved in two previous deaths.

"It is with great sadness that I report that one of our most experienced animal trainers drowned in an incident with one of our killer whales this afternoon," SeaWorld General Manager Dan Brown said in a statement. At first while watching the news this afternoon, I thought, way to go Shamu, but, upon further watching, ...I still said way to go Shamu. The incident occurred when the trainer fell into the tank during a show, and witnesses of the event say it was a violent killing, with splashing and thrashing.

This isn't the first "murder?" that's taken place, The first occurred in 1991 at the now gone Sealand of the Pacific park in Canada. Tilikum and two female whales drowned a 20-year-old marine biology student and part-time animal trainer in front of other staff members, according to the New York Daily News
Then in 1999, Tilikum -- who had been transferred to SeaWorld following the closure of Sealand of the Pacific -- was found one morning with a 27-year-old homeless man on his back, also drowned,CBS Orlando Reported The man had apparently remained hidden in the park until closing and then climbed into the tank or sneaked in after hours.

So since 2 out of 3 of these killings are not the fault of the whales, I still stick by the whole, Go Shamu thing. Which is odd considering I usually never side with killer whales, considering I've dated one.


It seems like everyday there's a new viral video on the web, or a new song everyone is downloading, and basically just a new trend for everyone to follow. This past month's trend has definitely been a site called The site allows you to post anonymous or non-anonymous questions, which give a lot of people courage or "balls" to post and write whatever they want about a person. The site has had it's positives and negatives for me, I've really only had 1 or 2 negative questions (out of my 260 asked), and 1 or 2 things that I couldn't post due to the fact they'd invade on other people, and I wouldn't do that to someone. Seen here, Formspring has been called Online Truth or Dare and the Sociopathic Crack Cocaine of over-sharing. For me, the sites a great way of interacting and in my case complimenting or finding out things you wouldn't know anyway else.

Many people don't share my opinion however, because a lot of people have been getting dirty, rude, cruel or just all around mean comments and questions posted on their walls. But the thing is, you can just NOT POST things by DELETING them. That's what I did when names were involved. I love the site, but I know it's just a trend that'll die off soon, obviously because I'm deleting mine, and the world follows what I do

Saturday, January 30, 2010

For the period of new technology, the iPad.

So Apple has been on top of their game lately, reporting their First Quarter Results and showing that they are in fact a force to be reckoned with. The report states facts such as;

They sold 3.36 million Macintosh computers during the quarter, representing a 33 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter.

They sold 8.7 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 100 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter.

They sold 21 million iPods during the quarter, representing an eight percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter.

Their profits were the best yet so far, and they're planning for another increase this quarter, with their soon to be released iPad. It's basically a giant iPod Touch, with all the included features. It's got a 9.7 inch LCD screen, and weighs about 1.5 pounds. Apple says that "it's easy to carry around anywhere"

..My question is who would want to carry this around anywhere...and what could you possibly have to use it for? But that's just my opinion.

The iPad is already the hot news of the tech circuit, with quotes along the lines of "The last time anyone has been this excited about it tablet, it had commandments on it" which is quite clever, but still, I just don't understand the whole concept of it.

With prices starting at $499, to me, it's basically a Macbook, without the keyboard, which would be the other $500.

I know that I don't want one, probably until someone I know gets one, then I'll obviously be pushing for one, even though I don't even really see the appeal, or the use.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack" - Tik Tok
"Ain't got a care in world, but got plenty of beer" - Tik Tok
"Just show me where your d*cks at" - Blah Blah Blah
"I wanna dance with no pants on" - Blah Blah Blah
Two, of Ke$ha's fabulous songs, Tik Tok and Blah Blah Blah, that have consumed my iTunes Top Ten, along with two more of her songs. Ke$ha's probably the least classiest artist out there right now. She's not just not classy, she's disgustingly trashy.

Her album "Animal" cover features her with greasy hair, her fantastic nose ring, and basically hooker make-up overloading her face. Plus I'd just like to point out that the S in her name is actually a dollar sign. I'm pretty sure it's not that way on her birth certificate, should she even have one.

Now the song's are all clearly edited and auto-toned, after having to sit through a performance of her's on Ellen, due to the fact my grandmother had no idea how to work the remote and it just wasn't worth the argument. She was up there with unwashed hair, probably unwashed clothes from last night's Tik-Toking. She was horrible, maybe 4 or 5 pity claps at the end, and a singing voice that's as tone-deaf as a mongoose.

Here's the video, and whoever posted it is just a genius, considering she's on Ellen, not Oprah. I really don't understand how someone gets those two confused..oh right, they each have talk shows. Fair enough

Ke$ha is to Class, as Jennifer Lopez is to acting.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I've been home for 3 whole days now. This used to be like the greatest thing ever, because I'd sit home, with not a worry in the world, taking whatever medicine I needed to get better, and go back into school catching up within a day. Now, I've got AP Classes and Honors Classes and all these fantastic work loaded classes. Being home now I can only get done so much, and definitely Teachers' websites help a bunch. But they're not what my fingers jump to typing as I enter the world of Safari.

The first site I usually go to is My Life Is Average, the collection of what used to be everyday things starting usually with Today... Back in the day it really did consist of average things, such as Today I brushed my teeth, and ran out of toothpaste. Now, it's basically who can come up with the wittiest post, and who can get the most people to "Average" it. It's great to be on when I'm bored, but the fake posts nowadays really bother me (along with the past MLIA'ers)

The next site is usually FMyLife. Usually just because it's really funny to read how idiotic some people are, and coming from MLIA, where they constantly rag on the fakeness of FML, it's a nice change of attitude. It's easier here to pick out the fake ones however, which is fun in itself.

Now comes the actual "real" Texts From Last Night. These are great, some of them which are so much better than others. The best part is the area code's involved, so you know where it's coming from. Some of them go back and forth between people, and a lot of them involve drunken escapades, so, as bad as that sounds, it's always fun to read on people's misfortune.

I barely ever go on My Life is G, because I was actually really disappointed when I found out it was all mush stories on how fantastic everyone's lives are, and not My Life is Gangster. But that's just my view on things

So, those sites basically take up my time when I'm home sick, along with Facebook, so I can also basically tell you how everyone is doing, what they're doing, and who they've been doing it with. Creeping's a talent.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mac vs PC

For Christmas this year, my dad surprised me (and my mom) and got me an Apple Macbook. Now, for my birthday, of the same year, I had gotten a really nice HP one, but it crashed, the screen broke (due to unforeseen circumstances, meaning the floor appearing under my bed suddenly) and it the price to fix it, was about the same price to buy a whole new one. We held out on getting me a new one, due to the fact my mom just didn't want to spend that much money just to have it break again. Plus getting a new one would require a good two or three hundred dollars in virus protection, new software, and then the annoyance of transferring all my stuff. I waited and waited, and then Christmas morning, I received the one thing that has kept me up night after night, not even doing anything worth doing.

My Macbook came with the standard stuff, y'know, I got Photobooth (mac pics "lolz" were a family favorite), Safari, Time Machine, all the applications that are just a tad bit ahead on the classiness ladder than a PC.

Comparing this one to the other laptops I've had, it's definitely the best. It's got a 250GB hard drive, which is plenty to hold all my music, all my documents, (which, by the way, Microsoft Student Home and Office was a pain to acquire) and everything I have, for a really really long time.

Apple has a reputation for being the best when it comes to virus protection, considering everyone out there is for PC users, and no ones been able to crack the Apple wall. This is really important, considering all my "Music sharing", as i'm going to so nicely put it.

Moral of the story is, I've got an english project to do, and I'm in The Hot Zone mode, so this blog isn'y my best, or of any actual point whatsoever, but, I am doing it on my Macbook, which is highly recommended :)