Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mac vs PC

For Christmas this year, my dad surprised me (and my mom) and got me an Apple Macbook. Now, for my birthday, of the same year, I had gotten a really nice HP one, but it crashed, the screen broke (due to unforeseen circumstances, meaning the floor appearing under my bed suddenly) and it the price to fix it, was about the same price to buy a whole new one. We held out on getting me a new one, due to the fact my mom just didn't want to spend that much money just to have it break again. Plus getting a new one would require a good two or three hundred dollars in virus protection, new software, and then the annoyance of transferring all my stuff. I waited and waited, and then Christmas morning, I received the one thing that has kept me up night after night, not even doing anything worth doing.

My Macbook came with the standard stuff, y'know, I got Photobooth (mac pics "lolz" were a family favorite), Safari, Time Machine, all the applications that are just a tad bit ahead on the classiness ladder than a PC.

Comparing this one to the other laptops I've had, it's definitely the best. It's got a 250GB hard drive, which is plenty to hold all my music, all my documents, (which, by the way, Microsoft Student Home and Office was a pain to acquire) and everything I have, for a really really long time.

Apple has a reputation for being the best when it comes to virus protection, considering everyone out there is for PC users, and no ones been able to crack the Apple wall. This is really important, considering all my "Music sharing", as i'm going to so nicely put it.

Moral of the story is, I've got an english project to do, and I'm in The Hot Zone mode, so this blog isn'y my best, or of any actual point whatsoever, but, I am doing it on my Macbook, which is highly recommended :)

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