Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanksgiving >< Christmas

So now that Halloween has passed, the next holiday coming up is Thanksgiving correct? Correct. Now why is it that all the stores completely surpass this holiday? We go from seeing jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins used to decorate every store, to all of a sudden Christmas trees, snow-men and holiday lights? It's ridiculous that Thanksgiving is completely skipped, and all this Christmas stuff is coming out way too early for my liking.

I understand the preparations for Black Friday, arguably the most intense shopping day of the year, being taken by Wal-Mart, to be taken relatively early. Considering it's when a majority of sales-driven customers do their "power Christmas shopping", but I don't understand the fact that stores are lining the aisles with Christmas decorations! It's only November!

I think what really annoys me most is when Christmas songs are being played on the radio. The other day I was literally on my way home around 3pm, and Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" began pounding through my mom's speakers. This made her start ranting but then again she's a mother so she does that anyway. Thanksgiving is completely overshadowed by early Christmas celebration and decoration, and to me is being turned into more of an obligation than a holiday.

School fundraisers and food drives are what Thanksgiving is now representing, there are rarely any turkey decorations in stores, any autumn themed town cheer, it's just everybody getting ready for a holiday that's over 40 days away. Thanksgiving isn't supposed to be about the obligation, it's supposed to be about spending time with one's family and being grateful for the things you have. Not getting extra points for bringing in a can, or better yet having 5 year old Justin Bieber come to your school to squeal, I mean, sing, for you.

We're losing the meaning of Thanksgiving, and it's all because of Early Christmas.

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