Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gustavo Zamora

This week I came across an article that absolutely blew my mind. That was an exaggeration, so yeah just kidding but it came up on AOL with the headline reading: Snatched 55 Kids Around the World. I clicked it thinking he would be in jail, or suffering these horrible consquences, because the words make it seem like a kidnapper or a child abducter. What I read was the complete opposite.

A man named Gustavo Zamora, Gus, for short, has gone around the world "re-claiming" children from custody battle "losers". What this means is, if a couple gets divorced with children involved, therefore leading to a custody battle, the losing parent sometimes (I know, shocking) will take the child and flee the country, with no destination and no information on where they're going. Gus, and his associates, conveniently named Zamora & Associates make it their duty to find the child and bring him/her/them back home to the rightfully custodied parent.

You might be thinking, how is this possibly legal, but keep in mind the custody-losing parent in all reality as harsh as it may sound, is a kidnapper, even though it is their child. Zamora makes sure that he reviews the cases to make sure his clients are within their rights.

As a last resort, Zamora said, he will grab the child and run. "That's when you've run out of other options," he said. Zamora will go through all means necessary, facing opposing governments, using threats if necessary, for when things don't go peacefully, which is his preference.

Gustavo Zamora is not just some hard-ass former army ranger who re-steals children for a living, he recognizes in a quote from his website that,"I wish the system worked, but the fact that it doesn't works means I'll be working" he recognizes that these children are in horrible situations either way, but the government and the "winning" parent, need to be shown justice.


  1. I hadn't heard about this before. This is pretty wild.

  2. Gustavo Zampra JR has defrauded many parents, he should be taken to jail with his fat ass spouse, 2 big thiefs that will continue to robbed people

  3. Gustavo Zampra JR has defrauded many parents, he should be taken to jail with his fat ass spouse, 2 big thiefs that will continue to robbed people
