Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin

Everybody knows who Sarah Palin is, running mate of John McCain in the most recent Presidential election. Obviously McCain lost the election to Barack Obama in somewhat of a landslide victory of sorts. Sarah Palin, McCain's intelligent attempt at winning back over Hillary Clinton's women supporters, ran for Vice President.

Palin hasn't been the most, educated nor professional political persona, stating pretty...dumb things during her campaign, that voters and people all over the world took note of. Aside from saying things, she's also been involved now in all sorts of drama involving her teenage-daughter-mother-lady Bristol Palin and ex-boyfriend / ex-fiancee Levi Johnston drama. The feud between the two obviously getting major negative press attention, causing Palin representatives so say things such as,

"It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well-being of the child"


"We're disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration and even distortion of their relationship".

These types of statements causing the Johnston family to fight back, and for it to lower Palin's actual credibility even more.

With all this going on and being a subject of the media, one would think Sarah Palin would lay off a bit, maybe relax.
Not a chance.

As seen here, Palin posed for a cover of Newsweek, with "thoughts" of it only being displayed in Runner's World magazine. Nothing ever goes that smoothly Mrs. Palin. Especially not with you. The former governer (she stepped down, by the way) of Alaska seems to just keep herself out there, no matter if it's negative or positive, and if it's political, or not.

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