Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lady Gag(a)

She wears outfits you wouldnt dress your abused poodle in.
Her songs contain horrible lyrics that make no sense whatsoever when written on paper.
Yet she's the next big thing in music? and "screams originality"
Oh there are screams alright, and not from her being "original"

Lady Gaga started out with a song called "Just Dance", and c'mon, everyone knew every word to this song, even I did, because I know I've belted out the hook and chorus in my bedroom more than enough times, and it was catchy, you could dance to it, and it was just all good fun.

Where'd this musician go?
Now all that's seen is a flashy, word-slurring, freak.

Her music, by some people, is "cool" and "new", it's not even music. It's not.
The song Paparazzi is horrible, and my question is why are we playing this on the radio when it doesn't even have a recognizeable beat.

Lady Gaga isn't a musician, she's all auto-tone, all smoke and mirrors.
Mirrors that crack, when she looks in them.

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