Thursday, October 29, 2009


October 31st.

Why do people feel the need to ruin this holiday? The one day of the year you can dress up, be as creative as you want, and get free candy for it. So tell me, why do people not understand this simple concept?

Halloween is not a time to be a slut. It's not a time to be a Sexy Firefighter or this years most realistic "Sexy Category" costume, the construction worker. Let's face reality people, when you're don't dress like that, and if you do, maybe a re-evaluation of job choice is necessary. The prices on said costumes are also rediculous, making it basically reversed prostitution, because instead of selling your body for money, you're spending money, to give people your body.
*Keep in mind that obviously when you get the costume, as in the descriptive pictures, you apparently get a busting chest and can wear it without inducing vomit.
*Oh wait, no, that doesnt happen.

Halloween is supposed to be for the kids, it's supposed to be another outlet of expression, and a day to have fun, more than half the children out there don't know the real reason for Halloween, so why should this currently happening conotation be allowed to take place? Let them beleive that the ghost costumes are scary and that they can be their favorite character for a day, not that it's only fun until you grow up where you have to have a sexy costume to be invited to (God knows what type of) Halloween Parties.

Keep Halloween For the Kids
(and people like me, who absolutely adore it)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Public Affairs

We all read the tabloids, watch the news and whenever there's gossip it's always fresh off of everyones tongues. But why is it that every affair, every time a man cheats on a woman, or even the (I find hysterical) woman cheats on the man, if it's a celebrity, it's suddenly this huge big thing that everyone sucks in air over like it's something new or out of the ordinary.

Most recently, Steve Phillips, former general manager of the New York Mets (rough.) and ESPN sports analyst, admitted to cheating on his wife with assistant Brooke Hundley, who apparently harassed Phillips' wife with phone calls. The story is the same for every celebrity affair, people like Shania Twain and Sienna Miller , the girls that if any non-celebrity guy out there had, would never be cheated on.

Why do these affairs interest us so much though? Is it because they're famous? Is it something more demonic? The fact that there hearts are probably broken and we get to read every juicy detail as if we mattered in there lives? Truth is, millions of people have felt this way, millions have had their hearts broken and have probably have had some instance of betrayal.

Scratch that, here are the numbers, which to me were shocking, yet expected nonetheless.
In an aritcle done by the US News, it states that

15 to 18 percent of "ever-married people have had a sexual partner other than
their spouse while married." And just 3 to 4 percent have cheated on their
spouse in any given year

That's a lot of people, who's stories we have never heard, and probably never will hear, but in my opinion, would be extremely more interesting than any celebrity I can't relate to. So my question is...

What makes a celebrity broken heart special?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lady Gag(a)

She wears outfits you wouldnt dress your abused poodle in.
Her songs contain horrible lyrics that make no sense whatsoever when written on paper.
Yet she's the next big thing in music? and "screams originality"
Oh there are screams alright, and not from her being "original"

Lady Gaga started out with a song called "Just Dance", and c'mon, everyone knew every word to this song, even I did, because I know I've belted out the hook and chorus in my bedroom more than enough times, and it was catchy, you could dance to it, and it was just all good fun.

Where'd this musician go?
Now all that's seen is a flashy, word-slurring, freak.

Her music, by some people, is "cool" and "new", it's not even music. It's not.
The song Paparazzi is horrible, and my question is why are we playing this on the radio when it doesn't even have a recognizeable beat.

Lady Gaga isn't a musician, she's all auto-tone, all smoke and mirrors.
Mirrors that crack, when she looks in them.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Miley Cyrus

Now, my dad isn't some super cool hillbilly post one-hit single rock star or anything special like that, but atleast he's got a daughter with talent. He's got a 16 year old girl, (that's me), with morals and a sense of atleast knowing how old i am. Billy Ray Cyrus on the other hand, does not have a daughter like this. Basically, i can't stand Miley Cyrus.

Miley has no amazing talent, no outstanding voice, and no songs that hit home like other artists of her generation. For example, her most "touching" and "ground-breaking emotional hit", argumentably by some people would be "The Climb", from her oscar worthy film, Hannah Montana. This is the most range she's ever acheived in a song, and it comes no where close to those she sang along with on MTV's Diva's, artists such as Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson and Jordin Sparks. It's rediculous that just because she's young and can sing "good", that she be placed on an even stage with those I mentioned earlier.

In case I haven't made my point clear about her age, Miley's 16. I'm 16. I don't pole dance on public television for my fans during award shows, and when I do it for those little girls who look up to me, I atleast have the decency to not let the entire world see.

Cyrus is not a role model.
She's not someone who can easily transition from her Hannah Montana character to full time party girl with underwear modeling boyfriends and get away with it.
She's not an artist, and until she comes out with a song that actually is worth listening to, not due to the fact it's catchy, but due to meaningful lyrics that apply to her own actual situation, I refuse to acknowledge her as one.

Oh yeah, and touch your hair/face one more time in a music video MC. I dare you.