Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Response to Greenwald

In my opinion, torture against terrorists, should not be allowed at any cost, no matter the crime committed. Although this a very, set in stone, sort of view, what does it do besides satisfy our need for revenge and make us just as bad as those we punish? In Greenwald's blog, he relays the ideas of the Bush Administration, and how he feels they are complete opposite of the values stated in the War Crimes Act and other government statements seen in Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention. Of course going through torture, some even unwarranted, will cause emotional and prolonged mental harm, chances are that said "terrorist" will already have his/her own mental issues causing them to take part in the act in the first place. Clearly, the Bush admin has been trying to prove the fact that they went against nationwide policies, but for the right reasons and that said methods were effective as seen here where Dick Cheney tries to get the CIA to release confidential files explaining how the interrogation tactics, although immoral, were effective.

Apparently, Greenwald and I have the same view on this. America today, no, the American Government today, is not only keeping secrets, but is going against the basic principles we so often take for granted. If the former VP and the CIA can't agree on what to release, that seems to be a problem, now doesn't it?

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