Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog on Blog

So it's a Wednesday, and of course I have no idea what to blog about yet again. There's literally millions of things I could choose from, and probably a million things that would be easy or entertaining, but of course I can't seem to think of one. Now, as I'm sitting here picking at my nail polish and IMing via Aim, it's not really helping much. I've looked at my friends' blogs, and basically the topics do not interest me. So I, might I say, have a stroke of genius, and decide to browse through all the blogs here on Blogger. What I came to realize, really made me think, a lot. It definitely changed my view on how these things work.

I'm going through them, expecting to find maybe recipes or photo galleries...nothing. All I'm coming up with is blogs about families. Like each family, instead of eating together at dinner, are blogging. I'm not kidding. It's like how every family stays in touch with relatives, or makes it seem like they have people who care and are probably putting there blog-link up on their 5 friend Facebook account.

Each blog literally had a family picture or a picture of some random baby (which hopefully belongs to the family) right front and center. The picture was always huge. I know know a lot of things about people I really would have never known otherwise.

Things Such As:
Jude, son of Mona and Jono, decided to wean himself from breastfeeding.
The fact that you have triplets gives you unwarranted permission to take thousands of photographs.
And that Cade is in a time out for biting. (Unfortunately though, the parents seem to think he enjoys it)

Are we really that prone to putting up everything we are on the internet? These kids, the younger ones atleast probably have no idea they're on here, and by the time they grow up probably won't even know what a "blog" is.
Does anybody watch any horror crime investigation shows anymore?! We're the ones feeding into it.

..Hope my mom doesn't have a blog.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Muscle-Toning Shoes

Coming off an injury that basically destroyed my calf-muscle (yeah, tearing it plus a fractured tibia can do that), I've been on physical therapy since mid-soccer season. This started right after the injury occured, and was mostly massages and stretching with no actual work involved. This of course led to my muscle becoming a wet noodle, and me freaking out over the fact that I couldn't run or play sports the rest of junior year. Now I'm doing more work with it in physical therapy, but I still don't think I can get it back to how it was after hell week of soccer in August.

Now, there are all these advertisements, of shoes that will tone and do all this cool stuff for your body, by just walking in them. Not running, just walking. To me, this sounds rediculous, because there are always shoes that are said to be great fro running and working out, and then aren't. (Ahem Nike Shox) (Yes I own a pair but leave me alone they match my gym clothes) These new shoes, such as EasyTone from Adidas, Shape-Ups from Sketchers, and "Fit Flops" from who knows where, are being introduced the consumers and well, Consumers are buying them.

Officials from Reebok, a unit of Adidas, say the EasyTone is the company’s most successful new product in at least five years.Shape-Ups from Skechers USA are designed to improve posture and muscle tone and promote weight loss. The FitFlop brand has been engineered to increase leg, calf and gluteal muscle activity, giving the wearer “a workout while you walk.”

These shoes have all different sorts of developments such as "balance pods" and curved soles that "make" posture better, and tone all sorts of leg muscles. But the biggest attraction of these shoes is of course, the fact that they'll shape your butt.

When in fact, a lot of this research has been put out there, only to be proven by a small number of people. Most of it is psychological, because when people think they're getting a better work out when they walk, they'll walk more, therefore they'll be more in shape.

I just think it's funny, America ever being in shape.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mary Arnott rocks

Nothing ever exciting happens here at Calhoun, you know, except for the really classy girls who set fires in bathrooms that are MADE OUT OF TILE. It's a pretty boring town, no big disasters, no real famous celebrities that come visit (sorry Lindsay, you don't count, ever).

Now St. Peter's Girls High School in Staten Island, is definately where the party's at. Just recently, a woman named Mary Arnott, graduated and finally recieved her diploma. Now, I know I may not have mentioned this, but Mary 100 years old. Arnott was forced to drop out and care for her siblings after her mother died, and the former New Yorker never got the chance to graduate, until now.

Arnott went to night school and later worked for 12 years as a secretary in Manhatten. She left the city for Toronto after getting married in 1940. She survived scarlet fever, lost her husband and 30-year-old son within a few months and traveled the world - Arnott always regretted not earning a diploma.

Then her granddaughter Allison contacted St. Peter's.

"Her life story more than made up for the months she didn't spend in school,"
said Mary Haugen, the school's assistant principal and president of the alumni association.

Haugen sent the diploma with a picture of what would have been Arnott's graduating class circa-1925. The surprise gift was the highlight of Arnott's birthday party a few months ago. The diploma hangs proudly above her bed atop certificates from universities attended by members of her family.

Arnott remains healthy and active, swimming twice a week and enjoying the occasional glass of wine.
So basically, Mary Arnott, rocks.